If tHere's a sOmething wRong..
sAy iT to me..
wHateve' it is..
I'll kEep mY ears to u..
hEar u'r sHaring
hEar u'r heArt's vOice...
If there's sOmething hAppened..
May i KnOe it uPpi?
aLthough tHe wiNd in tHe deSert bLows tO mY heArt.......
I'll aLways kEep mI sWeeteSt meMories fOr u..
If tHere's sOmething cOnfused...
tEll it to me...
mAybe it's bOud pOem..
or sHort sTory..
or musIc..alThough mI bRain is not as large as ocean..
i'll sTill heLp you..
If tHere's sOmething reStless...
hUg mI sWeetest hEart...
feel mI deEpest wOrd..
cLimb mI hIgh aRrogant...
thEn,,i'll kIss u'r hAnd..
pErsuade u to tHe hIghest sKy..
to tHe poLaris
to tHe capeLLa..
u wanna sIrius...?
i'll gEt bAck mI wings and let us gO..
unTil wHen i hav to keEp silence,,,eh?
i jAzt waNna taLk to u..
jAzt a mOment..
to sAy mI fLare uP soul..
to rUn oFf mI lOve to u...
u'r nOt mI puppy..
i dUn hav a pUppy......
u'r mI everlasting bARBIE....
532 days
6 bulan yang lalu
3 komentar:
iya lw pertama kali emang ilang khan dia ganti html/edit html
tapi lw dah ganti pk css yg yak yuniar gak akan ilang age
itu aku dapat site biar gak dicopas
coba aja
insyaallah bisa
haha itu aku dapat age site
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