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Minggu, 02 November 2008

True Love

bY:Asma Azizah

dunno why do I can love?
hope in every timy together
silent when meet each other
and we go....
the memories were flashback
back to the monkey
back to the strain words
leave the meaningful sign
maybe it's not us
just me, who feel it
I feel the deepest love
the love that (virtually) I don't wanna it
I loved you when I was trying love the other
you filled my dream when i was wanting to dream him
I missed you while I'm wanting to meet him
please go from my mind
but i can't and i know you were not false
the words bringing out unintentionally and awareless
the feeling came itself
I wanna admit it although I don't wanna it
I'm really loving u...

now,,,not again

2 komentar:

Master of Team Rocket mengatakan...


kaya' na gw juga gx bisa ngasih koment....

gw juga ru buat ne blog....

ultramen na udah gw idupin lagi....
dengan sepnuh kekuatan jiwa dan raga gw...
gw berhasil ngidupin dy agi....


ampe mau mati gw nyelametin dy....


rencana gw cie sbg Master Of Team Rocket...

gw bakal buat mesin yang bisa nangkal petir dari pikachu...
truz mesin na juga gw bakal kasih pemberat...
biar gx terbang kalo dah kalah....

kasihan gw ama anak2 buah gw lox ujung2 na bakal jadi "bintang"....


- mengatakan...

wuih keren deh blog nya